0to2550to255 is a color tool that makes it easy to find lighter and darker colors, or tints and shades, based on any color.
Color Contract CheckerThis an excellent site to check whether the contrast of two colors is good or not
Color HuntDiscover the newest hand-picked color palettes of Color Hunt. Get color inspiration for your design and art projects.
CoolorsCoolors is the essential tool for creating color palettes. It generates perfect matching colors in seconds.
HTML Color PickerThis is a color picker by w3schools which provides different shades of colors based on your requirements. It also gives Hex and RGB values of color.
Open ColorAn open-source color scheme, optimized for UI. My go-to resource to choose colors from scratch.
Tailwind ColorsThis an excellent and popular set of color palettes by TailwindCSS. Get beautiful colors of all shades
UI Color PickerA Color picker that contains different shades of solid colors & gradients. Which can be used in any kind of project.
UI GradientsCollection of beautiful color gradients for you to choose from and export to your project.